Since starting my journey with Synergy in 2019, I’ve experienced incredible growth, support, and a true sense of family within the company.
I have been using Synergy Worldwide products since 2017 but started looking into the business side only in 2019, so just under 5 years I started with my business journey. I have had the most amazing journey of learning, discovery and support from Synergy, it truly feels like a family business because there is always someone to help pick you up when you are down and get you going. Also, their commitment to the highest quality of products and research is truly motivating to me and to people who care about their health, that is why I would recommend this company to everyone who shares the same values.
What made you choose Synergy Worldwide over other companies?
And this is exactly why I chose Synergy, the sense of partnership, community and care for people that comes from from the leadership is unique. The company has strong values when it comes to health and integrity which creates a supportive environment where you are aligned with the company's vision and mission. I have had so many opportunities to grow, develop and learn new skills with the flexibility of work and life balance.
The biggest challenge was to find a way how to get the business going after a day job, with children, zero experience, zero client base, not being a therapist or a professional in health /wellness and not having any time to go to networking events. Then, social media became my best friend, I learnt a duplicable system how to use Facebook to benefit my business just from home, from my mobile phone and with a child on my lap. If I can do it, anyone can do it! You don’t need to be an expert, just share your enthusiasm.
Why would you recommend becoming a Team member?
My favourite part has to be the smiles on people’s faces when they feel healthier, happier and pain free getting some extra income in the process, this is how Synergy changes lives and leaves a legacy for generations to come. Being part of the community and being recognised for the work you do.
My biggest success story is to become the number one customer recruiter two years running and achieving an incentive trip to Seville this year. I have not had a holiday due to our debts in 12 years and haven’t had a break from life until now and it is only the beginning. Meeting our Presidential executives in person and learning the wisdom from our top people is another memorable moment.
Can you share a memorable success story you had working with Synergy Worldwide?
If you meant a success story from client - my father had a whooping cough and pneumonia 2x in the last 12 months and life threatening accident , taking Synergy's performance greens and Beets together with Proargi supported his recovery.
I structure my evening after work around the homework, after school activities so my daughter knows once they are done, it is time for Mum to spend an hour on business and once she goes to bed I have another hour to do what I have to do . Also, having everything on my mobile phone, I can spend time working whilst she is in football or tennis activities because my phone goes everywhere with me.